Each shirt you purchase supports a formerly incarcerated person's pursuit of a new life.

Social Enterprise - Providing Second Chances With Profitability - Breaking Free Industries

Social Enterprise - Providing Second Chances With Profitability

It is no longer enough to hold a profitable business. Yeah, it’s a feat, but it is simply not enough. Today’s consumer is demanding to know how are you - my supplier of kicks, caffeine, or threads - making this world a better place.

Look at Tom’s Shoes who donates a pair of shoes for every pair sold. Or look at online postage provider Sendle that purchases carbon offsets with each package you ship so that as a company they are carbon neutral.  Even bigger companies like Starbucks advocate fair trade for their coffee buying practices, safe water with their Ethos brand, and their partner (employee) centric policies. Cynics dismiss this as cancel culture or political correctness gone wild. But here’s the thesis - we can make the world a better place profitably.

Breaking Free Industries solely hires returning citizens - those have been judicially involved. The unemployment rate for this group can hit 10x the normal rate. Even though some states have legislated fair hiring practices, a simple Google search can be all that's required in moving onto the next candidate.

The harsh reality is that some in our society wear a scarlet “C.”  No, not criminal. Caught. No one talks about it, but yeah - we all speed, some of us have driven when we should have hailed an Uber.  Some of us have smoked weed.  And as a former CPA, many of us have taken questionable tax deductions.  Ethically, we might have given more than a passing glance to that coworker or fantasized about an extramarital affair. Now, we can have a great debate about whether these offenses are criminal.  But, we have all made our mistakes. Some of us were caught.

We are all so much more than that worst mistake. So, I look at the opportunity. We all buy tee shirts. We generally don’t like to hire someone who’s been caught. But, we are generally for second chances so long as there's an arm's length from the transaction.  We might not give a homeless person $20 on the street, but we might give $20 to a church to perform homeless outreach. So if I tell you I have a shirt for sale at a competitive price, you like the design, AND I tell you I’m helping society by hiring the hardest to hire folks - you probably say yes.  Prove me right.

Now that you’re saying yes - give this post a like and a comment and visit us at https://www.breakingfreeindustries.com.


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